
Axioms of Septemics:

  1. Septemics is a philosophical science based on the fact that many phenomena related to Human Beings occur in a sequence of seven levels.
  2. Septemics comprises a collection of scales or sequences, each of which breaks down various human phenomena into a hierarchy of seven steps.
  3. Septemics is based entirely on natural phenomena and empirical observation.
  4. Being at or near the top of any Septemic scale is both a cause and effect of being at or near the top any other Septemic scale; and being at or near the bottom of any Septemic scale is both a cause and effect of being at or near the bottom any other Septemic scale.
  5. In moving from one Septemic level to another level, on any Septemic scale, one can only move to an adjacent level; it is impossible to skip a level.
  6. Whenever one correctly identifies someone as being at a particular level on any Septemic scale, one has a consequent realization, and is pleased with the result.
  7. Every Septemic scale is unique, and exists independently of any other Septemic scale.
  8. Every Septemic scale has an inherently mathematical structure.
  9. When a person is at or near the top of any Septemic scale, it is because that person is insightful in that area; when a person is at or near the bottom of any Septemic scale, it is because that person lacks insight in that area.
  10. Utilization of Septemics requires some insight, but also develops one’s insight.
  11. Any human problem, difficulty, dilemma or situation can successfully be analyzed by one or more Septemic scales, usually more than one scale.
  12. Septemics is for the use of those who wish to improve oneself and others.